


Excellence in quality

Our staff is our best asset and the strength of our company

The common denominator of our work in different countries is the ability to adapt to the environment and knowledge of specific regulations and legislation, as well as social agents, the geographical and socio-demographic environment. Equally essential is the ability to manage, process and communicate with organizations of various kinds and, not least, the use of our technology.


Multidisciplinary team

Vielca has opted for bringing together the best specialists in each area, fostered by the constant evolution and innovation that occurs in engineering.


More than 500 professionals

The human capital of the VIELCA GROUP in Spain and Central America now exceeds 500 professionals in all its specialities.


Satisfaction in our clients

The pursuit of ever-increasing customer satisfaction and the continuous search for improvement opportunities are part of our DNA.



Vicente M. Candela Canales

Chief Executive Officer

Civil Engineer from the University of Alicante, Master Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Master in Business Management from the University of Valencia.

He founded the company Vielca in Valencia in 1990 and since then he has been the CEO of the company.

President of the Valencian Association of Consulting Engineers (AVINCO) from 2017 to the present. Vice President of the business federation CIES.

Author of several research works and patented inventions with international recognition.


Alberto Vila

Head of Transport Infrastructure, Architecture and Urban Planning

Higher Technician in occupational risk prevention from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Master’s degree in occupational risk prevention from the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid, graduated in civil engineering from the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)

Luis Fernández

Head of Hydraulic Works, Waste Treatment and Structures

Technical Engineer in Infrastructure development from the University of Alicante (UA), specialty in Civil Construction. Civil Engineer specialized in Roads, Canals and Harbors from the University of Alicante (UA)

Constancio Amurrio

Head of Environmental Engineering

Forest Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), specialty: Natural Resource Management Master’s degree in Geospatial Technologies from the University Jaume I (Castellón)

Pablo Blanco

Head of Research, Development and Innovation

Civil Engineer specialized in Roads, Canals and Harbors from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), specialty: Hydraulics and the Environment. Master of Science Water Management por Cranfield University, especialidad: Environmental Water Management

Rafael Ibáñez

Regional Head of LATAM

Civil Engineer by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). Master’s degree in Territorial and Urban Planning from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Master in Climate Change by Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO)

Gracia Peña

Legal representative of Vielca Ingenieros S.A. El Salvador Branch

Henry González

Legal representative of Vielca Ingenieros S.A. Nicaragua Branch

Rafael Ibáñez

Legal representative of Vielca Ingenieros S.A. Honduras Branch

Joanne Menjivar

Representante legal de Vielca Ingenieros S.A. Guatemala Branch