Vielca Ingenieros, S.A. receives the seal of Innovative SME from the Ministry of Science and Innovation for carrying out the following R&D&I activities:
– “Innovative modelling approaches for predicting Socio-environmental evolution in highly anthropized Coastal LAGOONs (SMARTLAGOON)” of the EU H2020 Programme (GA 101017861).
– “Planning and management of water resources based on IoT data analysis (WATERoT)” of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTC 2017-6389-5).
– “Development of high-performance IoT infrastructures against climate change based on Artificial Intelligence (GLOBALoT)” of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTC 2019-7159-5).
· “Integration of 3D scanning, BIM, VR and AR technologies for programming, execution and simulation of maintenance operations in WWTPs” of the IVACE R&D PROJECTS IN COOPERATION (ICPD-CV) 2018 grant program.
Highlighting its work as a company committed to innovation and collaborative work with universities and research centres of reference nationally and internationally.