Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has long sought to comprehensively address the noise problem generated by ventilation grilles throughout the Metrovalencia network. For this reason, at the end of 2022 it commissioned the Valencian company Vielca Ingenieros to carry out the consultancy and technical assistance work consisting of drafting the construction project and managing the repair of these grilles to mitigate the nuisance caused by the noise.

172 critical points
The Metrovalencia system has a total of 172 ventilation grilles distributed in 39 of its stations. The grilles are located in different areas, including sidewalks, landscaped areas and on the sidewalk, where they support heavy vehicle traffic. As a result of wear and tear caused by constant traffic, some of these grills generate annoying noise levels for neighbors near the stations, which has led to a considerable number of complaints from the community. Some of the affected stations include Facultats, Colón, Xàtiva or Ángel Guimerá, among others.

The study of solutions, by December
Within the framework of the project, a thorough inventory work has been carried out to collect detailed data on all ventilation grilles present in the Metrovalencia network. This inventory has made it possible to identify specific areas of greatest impact and has facilitated the accurate planning of the necessary remedial actions.
The Vielca Ingenieros team is currently in the drafting phase of the solution study, for which a first draft of proposals has already been submitted. The draft includes several possible interventions depending on the degree of deterioration of each grid and its structure, as well as its characteristics. These include changing the entire structure, replacing the grid, replacing the damping system (neoprene) or repairing the asphalt around the perimeter of the grid.

Drafting work is expected to be completed by the end of this year. The award amounts to EUR 110,352 (VAT included).